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Virtual Implementation Kit


This a repository for all English Language Arts and/or literacy stakeholders.  This repository provides a variety of resources for supporting administrators, educators, and parents during the implementation of the current Standard Course of Study and Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS). The range of resources offers users an opportunity to determine their own specific needs and find materials that suit them.  

This Canvas repository can be accessed with or without a Canvas account. Browse through resources to help you learn, plan, instruct, review, and inform yourself or others.

*Note: This Canvas LMS hub is a free online resource for educators in NC public schools. The information shared is subject to change based on NC SBE policy and NCDPI leadership guidelines. Some links may take you to third-party websites of which NCDPI does not control and is not responsible for the content of such external web pages. NCDPI does not endorse and makes no warranties, representations, or undertakings relating to the content of third-party websites.

For questions about the resources in this repository, contact the NCDPI ELA TEAM.


1. Learners will determine their own specific needs and find resources that suit them.

2. Learners will plan, instruct, review, and/or inform themselves or others using the variety of resources. 


info iconCONTENT

Access the repository content by clicking on the respective content buttons below.

About the ELA Team visit this page to learn about the ELA team to subscribe to their listserv and/or to connect with them via social media Standards review revision and implementation visit this page to explore the standards revision process including the proposed timeline and monthly updates Standard Course of Study visit this page to view the K-12 ELA standards and supporting documents including the crosswalk clarifications glossary vertical progressions and learning progressions.
Professional Learning visit this page to access the ELA team’s Professional Development calendar along with a list of their current professional learning opportunities active courses and on-demand resources. Aligned Resources Visit this page to access instructional resources aligned to the NCSCOS and LIS. Looker Studio Visit this page to access the LookerStudio searchable repository which provides links to various resources aligned with the NC SCOS and/or the LIS.
parent caregiver resources Visit this page for resources to help parents caregivers understand the ELA Standard Course of Study and support students’ learning beyond the school day. ELA Leaders visit this page to view materials from previous ELA Leaders’ meetings. Literacy Instruction Standards Toolkit (LIST) Visit this page to access the Literacy Instruction Standards and aligned resources designed to support the effective implementation of the LIS
Visit the DPI ELA Webpage Visit this page to access the ELA team’s webpage on the NCDPI site. Communications Visit this page to access previous First Friday messages sent out by the ELA Team on the first Friday of every month. Connect with other DPI Teams Visit this page to explore the webpages of the ELA team’s internal partners and the Office of Teaching and Learning’s External Implementation Guide.