Aligned Resources

Visit this page to access instructional resources aligned to the NC SCOS and the LIS. LIS resources are located at the bottom of this page.

Click the tabs below to access instructional resources for the ELA SCOS.

Supporting Learners: Scaffolds by Strand Links to an external site.
This resource is organized by strand to bring attention to the potential barriers or “roadblocks” that students may face in the strands of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language within the North Carolina English Language Arts Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS). Educators may use this resource to determine possible scaffolding strategies that can be used to help students succeed with grade-level texts and aligned ELA instruction.


Standards-Based, Text-Centered Instruction Links to an external site.
The purpose of this document is to define and explain the rationale for providing standards-based, text-centered instruction.


Standards-Based Question Stems Links to an external site.
This resource provides question stems that are aligned to the NCSCOS ELA Reading Standards.The question stems are intended for instructional use during standards-based, text-centered lessons. Teachers should adapt and/or add additional questions to support student access to complex texts.


Standards-Based Sentence Frames Links to an external site.
This resource provides sentence frames for the NCSCOS ELA Speaking and Listening Standards. These frames can be used as a tool to start academic conversations and are not meant for summative assessment purposes. The sentence frames are intended for instructional use by teachers when modeling speaking and listening strategies. The sentence frames can be sequenced in various ways depending on the purpose of instruction. Teachers should adapt and/or add sentence frames to make this resource their own.


Text-Dependent Questions Links to an external site.
This guide assists educators in developing and sequencing text dependent questions.


ELA Choice Boards Links to an external site.
As a way to support teachers with English Language Arts (ELA) instruction during the pandemic, the NCDPI ELA team created choice boards featuring standards-aligned ELA activities. The intended purpose of these choice boards is to provide a way for students to continue standards-based learning while schools are closed. Each activity can be adapted and modified to be completed with or without the use of digital tools. Many activities can also be repeated with different texts. These standards-based activities are meant to be a low-stress approach to reinforcing and enriching the skills learned during the 2019-2020 school year.


Click the tabs below to access implementation resources for the Literacy Instruction Standards.

Literacy Look-Fors Toolkit by Grade-Band
K-5 Literacy Look-Fors Toolkit Links to an external site. 6-12 Literacy Look-Fors Toolkit Links to an external site.
This tool is designed to support school leaders (e.g. instructional coaches, principals, assistant principals, etc.) conduct productive learning walks and coaching cycles to observe alignment to the LIS. All components of the toolkit are meant to be used in concert with one another, but the indicators can be used independent from the guides for PLCs, self-reflection, and/or goal setting.

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