ELA Standard Course of Study

Visit this page to view the K-12 ELA & LIS standards and supporting documents, including: crosswalks, clarifications (i.e. unpacking), glossary, vertical progressions, and learning progressions.

Click the tabs below to access various resources relating to the ELA SCOS and LIS.

English Language Arts Standard Course of Study by Grade-Level
K-12 ELA SCOS Links to an external site. Kindergarten Links to an external site. Grade 1 Links to an external site. Grade 2 Links to an external site. Grade 3 Links to an external site. Grade 4 Links to an external site.
Grade 5 Links to an external site. Grade 6 Links to an external site. Grade 7 Links to an external site. Grade 8 Links to an external site. Grades 9-10 Links to an external site. Grades 11-12 Links to an external site.
The North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) defines the appropriate content standards for each grade or proficiency level and each high school course to provide a uniform set of learning standards for every public school in North Carolina. These standards define what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each school year or course. The NC State Board of Education policy, SCOS-012, requires that each content area's standards be reviewed every five-to-seven years to ensure the NCSCOS consists of clear, relevant standards and objectives.


ELA Standard Course of Study Glossary Links to an external site.
The glossary defines the bolded terms from the ELA Standard Course of Study.


Text Selection Guide Links to an external site.
The Text Selection Guide contains information on topics such as text complexity, text sets, choosing the right text for a read aloud, choosing mentor texts, rich and worthy texts, and provides resources on where to locate these texts. The information in this guide is intended to help educators make the best decisions about texts they plan to use for instruction of the ELA standards.

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