ELA Standard Course of Study
Visit this page to view the K-12 ELA & LIS standards and supporting documents, including: crosswalks, clarifications (i.e. unpacking), glossary, vertical progressions, and learning progressions.
Click the tabs below to access various resources relating to the ELA SCOS and LIS.
- ELA Standard Course of Study & Glossary
- Unpacking/Clarifications and Progressions
- ELA Standards Crosswalks
- Independent Sustained Reading Guides
- Writing Guides
- Language Continuum Guides
- Literacy Instruction Standards
English Language Arts Standard Course of Study by Grade-Level | |||||
K-12 ELA SCOS Links to an external site. | Kindergarten Links to an external site. | Grade 1 Links to an external site. | Grade 2 Links to an external site. | Grade 3 Links to an external site. | Grade 4 Links to an external site. |
Grade 5 Links to an external site. | Grade 6 Links to an external site. | Grade 7 Links to an external site. | Grade 8 Links to an external site. | Grades 9-10 Links to an external site. | Grades 11-12 Links to an external site. |
The North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) defines the appropriate content standards for each grade or proficiency level and each high school course to provide a uniform set of learning standards for every public school in North Carolina. These standards define what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each school year or course. The NC State Board of Education policy, SCOS-012, requires that each content area's standards be reviewed every five-to-seven years to ensure the NCSCOS consists of clear, relevant standards and objectives. |
ELA Standard Course of Study Glossary Links to an external site. |
The glossary defines the bolded terms from the ELA Standard Course of Study. |
Text Selection Guide Links to an external site. |
The Text Selection Guide contains information on topics such as text complexity, text sets, choosing the right text for a read aloud, choosing mentor texts, rich and worthy texts, and provides resources on where to locate these texts. The information in this guide is intended to help educators make the best decisions about texts they plan to use for instruction of the ELA standards. |
English Language Arts SCOS Unpacking/Clarification Guides by Grade-Level | |||||
Kindergarten Links to an external site. | Grade 1 Links to an external site. | Grade 2 Links to an external site. | Grade 3 Links to an external site. | Grade 4 Links to an external site. | Grade 5 Links to an external site. |
Grade 6 Links to an external site. | Grade 7 Links to an external site. | Grade 8 Links to an external site. | Grades 9-10 Links to an external site. | Grades 11-12 Links to an external site. | |
These clarification documents include ELA standards for each grade with a clarification of each standard and a glossary. The standards appear in the left column with glossary terms in bold. The middle column contains the clarification that includes an explanation of the standard and ideas for “In the Classroom.” The right column is the glossary that defines the bolded terms. |
ELA SCOS Vertical Progression Links to an external site. |
The vertical progression shows the standards K-12 and how the skills and expectations in the standards grow from grade-to-grade as they build toward career and college readiness. |
Highlighted Vertical Progression Links to an external site. |
The Highlighted Vertical Progression Tool helps educators determine if instruction is aligned to grade-level expectations. It emphasizes shifts in grade-level focus for each standard by highlighting the grade-level focus of each standard. |
ELA Learning Progressions Links to an external site. |
This resource is organized by grade-level to bring further clarity to the skills and expectations measured by the North Carolina English Language Arts Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS). Different from the Vertical Progression that shows how the standards build towards Career and College Readiness, each learning progression focuses on a singular standard and shows how the skills within the standard build towards mastery and extension. |
2010-2017 ELA Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. |
This document provides a cross-reference between the 2010 and 2017 standards. |
ELA, LIS, & SEL Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. |
This resource maps the Literacy Instruction Standards to the five SEL Competencies. This mapping resource is intended to assist teachers with integrating SEL into aligned ELA Instruction. Teachers should use the anchor standards noted in this resource to adapt the guidance and ideas to their specific grade-level standards. |
ELA and Digital Learning Standards Crosswalk by Grade-Band | |||
K-2 DLS & Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. | 3-5 DLS & Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. | 6-8 DLS & Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. | 9-12 DLS & Standards Crosswalk Links to an external site. |
These documents map the Digital Learning Standards and ELA Standards by grade-band. These documents assist educators in integrating the DLS into grade-level ELA instruction to support content learning. |
Independent Sustained Reading Guides by Grade-Band | ||
K-5 ISR Guide Links to an external site. | 6-8 ISR Guide Links to an external site. | 9-12 ISR Guide Links to an external site. |
These guides define Independent Sustained Reading as found in R.10. The purpose of these guides is to assist teachers with implementing supported Independent Sustained Reading instruction and provide a picture of what ISR looks like in practice. |
Writing Guides by Grade-Level | |||||
Kindergarten Links to an external site. | Grade 1 Links to an external site. | Grade 2 Links to an external site. | Grade 3 Links to an external site. | Grade 4 Links to an external site. | Grade 5 Links to an external site. |
Grade 6 Links to an external site. | Grade 7 Links to an external site. | Grade 8 Links to an external site. | Grades 9-10 Links to an external site. | Grades 11-12 Links to an external site. | |
The Writing Guides offer clarification of the expectations of W.1, W.2, and W.3 by grade level and provide ideas for instruction. |
Language Continuum Guides by Grade-Level | ||
K-5 Language Continuum Guide Links to an external site. | 6-8 Language Continuum Guide Links to an external site. | 9-12 Language Continuum Guide Links to an external site. |
The Language Continuum Guides are available for each grade band (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) and provide directions for: reading the continuums, translating the continuums into instruction, and talking about the continuums with colleagues. The purpose of these guides is to assist teachers with understanding how to teach Language Standards 1 and 2. |
Literacy Instruction Standards by Grade-Band | |||
K-2 Literacy Instruction Standards Links to an external site. | 3-5 Literacy Instruction Standards Links to an external site. | 6-8 Literacy Instruction Standards Links to an external site. | 9-12 Literacy Instruction Standards Links to an external site. |
The LIS serve as a framework for the development and alignment of curriculum and instruction for all public schools. These standards are defined as a level of quality and equity to be used consistently within core literacy instruction statewide. While the NC Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) sets student expectations, the LIS and their associated instructional practices set expectations for teaching literacy. The LIS are organized by grade-band and can be used to ensure that all teachers across North Carolina have a common understanding and delivery of literacy instruction. |
LIS Defined Documents by Grade-Band | |||
K-2 LIS Defined Links to an external site. | 3-5 LIS Defined Links to an external site. | 6-8 LIS Defined Links to an external site. | 9-12 LIS Defined Links to an external site. |
These documents outline the K-12 LIS in a format that includes an instructional example of what each LIS may look like in practice and key terms that support their understanding. The examples and glossary terms in this document are intended to assist in the planning of local curriculum and classroom instruction. |
LIS in the Content Areas Links to an external site. | |||
This document provides a snapshot of what the LIS may look like in the content area classroom. Please note that the LIS Components for reading foundational skills, small group instruction, and observation and assessment are not included below as these standards and practices are consistent across all classrooms. The LIS Components included in this resource illustrate how the LIS may be tailored for disciplinary purposes. Use the guidance below when referencing the chart for your content area. |
LIS and Content Area Practices Links to an external site. | |||
This document aims to provide teachers of all content areas with an understanding of how current domains of instruction practice found within the content areas align with the LIS. Teachers should reference this document when planning content area and literacy instruction to ensure students are fully meeting the demands of the NCSCOS. |