Analyze the Data

In this module, you will begin by learning the PLC structure.  Much like in classrooms, you will take a scaffolded approach from learning to practicing and applying the PLC structure using the Instructional Practices.  To keep your work grounded in data and research, begin by analyzing data from an imaginary school by asking the right questions.




Review the grade-level data provided.  While conducting an analysis of the data, we will use the following guiding questions to identify an area for growth:

  1. What stands out in the data? Are there trends that emerge?
  2. What does the data tell us?  What doesn’t the data tell us?  
  3. What can we infer from the data about the impact on instruction for student learning?
  4. What conclusions can be made from our analysis of this data?
  5. What Instructional Practice can be connected to this conclusion?










Review the answers provided for each question below.  Consider how your analysis of the data compares. 

  1. What stands out in the data? Are there trends that emerge?
    1. Students have more proficiency in literary texts.  Most scores are dropping by a significant percentage. 
  2. What does the data tell us?  What doesn’t the data tell us?  
    1. The data tells us that students are lacking proficiency in informational texts.  The data is not telling us about how much instruction is being done in each.  
    2. Based on the number of items for each, is it a stamina issue for students? 
  3. What can we infer from the data about the impact on instruction for student learning?
    1. Instruction in literary texts has a positive impact on most students.
    2. It is possible that teachers are not using complex informational texts during instruction.  
  4. What conclusions can be made from our analysis of this data?
    1. Equal time for both literary and informational texts is not given during instruction. 
    2. Students need more explicit instruction with navigating the complexity of informational texts.  
  5. What Instructional Practice can be connected to this conclusion?
    1. Instructional Practice #1- Teachers use high quality appropriately complex text as the center of instruction.  There is a balance of informational and literary texts.

This page provided an analysis of grade-level data.  Continue to read the research.