Course Syllabus

ELA Standard Course of Study Self-Study Syllabus

Course Description and Purpose

This Canvas course is directed to those interested in learning about the English Language Arts Standard Course of Study.  This course provides an overview as well as an in-depth, close reading of the standards. The range of tasks offers users an opportunity to determine their own specific needs and follow a path that is suited to their understanding and specific direction.  This is the first course in the ELA Canvas Course Trilogy. To learn how to develop aligned lessons, take our Designing Aligned Instruction course. To learn more about valuable coaching, reflecting, and supporting tools for aligned ELA instruction, take our ELA Instructional Practices course.

Though this could certainly be used by individuals, we strongly encourage users to use this within a PLC (Professional Learning Community) as discussion and interaction would certainly enrich the experience.

Please direct content questions to: the NCDPI ELA Team

Contact Hours/Certification of Completion

We support you in your quest for clarification and deeper understanding of the ELA Standard Course of Study! NCDPI does not offer literacy credits and/or CEUs for this self-study work, please contact your local district regarding any CEU credits.

The entire Canvas course takes approximately 8 hours to complete. Within each lesson, participants may engage in activities, review informative slides, read articles, and view videos. Each lesson culminates with a reflection on learning objectives to provide users with an expectation or framework of understanding.

Netiquette and General Computer Requirements

Click here for information.

Course Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will describe the framework and organization of the ELA Standard Course of Study.

  2. Participants will compare and contrast the new format of the adopted standards to the current SCOS.

  3. Participants will evaluate and reflect on the impact of the major and grade-level revisions to the adopted standards.

  4. Participants will identify and reflect on how to use the ELA Standard Course of Study resources in their classrooms.

Alignment to NC Professional Teaching Standards

Standard 3: Teachers Know the Content They Teach

  • Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.

  • Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching speciality.

Standard 4: Teachers Facilitate Learning for Their Students

  • Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students.

Standard 5: Teachers Reflect on Their Practice

  • Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.

Course Map

Module Topic

Module Learning Objectives

Learning Materials


Myth or Fact?

Participants will identify the myths and facts about the NC ELA SCOS.


Myth or Fact? Quiz

Self Study Journal #1

  1. Participants will name the four strands.
  2. Participants will code and decode grade level standards.
  3. Participants will identify the difference and connection between Anchor Standards, clusters, and grade-level standards.
  4. Participants will describe the "Understanding the English Language Arts Standard Course of Study" document.
  5. Participants will name the Reading Foundational Skills clusters.







SCOS Framework

Coding of Standards

Coding of Strands

SCOS Organization Prezi

"Understanding the ELA SCOS" Document

Understanding the Clarification and Glossary

Writing Guides

Language Continuums

Coding and Decoding Standards Activity

Framework and Organization Matching

Examining the Writing Guides

Language Continuums Quiz

Self Study Journal #2




Crosswalk of 2012 and 2018 SCOS

  1. Participants will reflect on the major changes to each ELA Strand.

  2. Participants will reflect on the changes specific to the grade levels they teach.

  3. Participants will reflect on the impact of these changes on instruction.

 Revisions by Strand



Impact on Instruction

Self Study Journal #3



  1. Participants will recognize the purpose of the Text Selection Guide.

  2. Participants will recognize the purpose of the Independent Sustained Reading Guide.

  3. Participants will identify parent resources relevant to their sites.

Text Selection Guide

Independent Sustained Reading Guide

Parent Resources

Self Study Journal #4

Feedback Survey


Third Party Apps

The following provides the terms of use and privacy statements for the third party tools and applications used with this learning experience:



Terms of Use



Accessibility Guidelines Links to an external site.

Terms of Use Links to an external site.

Privacy Statement Links to an external site.

Google Apps

Accessibility Guidelines Links to an external site.

Terms of Use Links to an external site.

Privacy Statement Links to an external site.


Accessibility Statement Links to an external site.

Terms of Use Links to an external site.

Privacy Statement Links to an external site.


Not Applicable**

Terms of Use Links to an external site.

Privacy Statement Links to an external site.


Not Applicable**

Terms of Use Links to an external site.

Privacy Statement Links to an external site.

**Note about these tools:
These tools do not have an accessibility statement. Where appropriate within this course, participants will have access to alternative means of content presentation and assessment input. Look for those alternative forms close to the usage of the above tools in the content pages that flow out within this professional learning experience.

Technology Requirements

See the technology requirements for this course here.

Help & Support

For help and support regarding the content of the course, contact the NCDPI ELA Team.  For technical difficulties, contact Canvas support.

Learning Navigation

Icon What it means?
Icon.Overview.80x80.png Topic Overview

This icon appears at the front of all topic overview pages to give participants a clear sense of the big picture for each learning segment.

Icon.Objectives.80x80.png Learning Objective

This icon is used at the front of all learning objective pages. It signals that what follows are the targeted learning objectives for the respective module.

Icon.Activity.80x80.png Activity Icon

This icon asks participants to complete a brief activity embedded in the Canvas content page or will direct participants to an outside digital tool. (Note: Digital Tools outside of Canvas may ask for participants to create a separate account for that tool)

Icon.Reading.80x80.png Reading Icon

This icon points participants to specific chunks of reading embedded in the content page.

Icon.Video.80x80.png Video Icon

This icon directs participants to watch a video embedded in the content page or linked out to outside provider.

Icon.Reflection.80x80.png Thinking Icon

This icon directs learners to spend some time thinking and reflecting on a specific topic and/or question. This “think time” may lead to a written activity, but it does not have to. In some instances, it may mean learns pause, think, and digest information.

Icon.Feedback.80x80.png Feedback

This icon will point participants to provide feedback to the facilitator or the course developer.

Icon.Resources.80x80.png Resource Icon

This icon showcases a variety of resources or handouts for further learning.

Icon.Discussion.80x80.png Discussion Icon

This icon gives participants instructions to post responses to the Discussion.

Icon.Arrow.80x80.png Moving Forward Icon

This icon appears at the bottom of each content page, provides thoughtful wrap-up for the learning content on that page, and directs participants to the learning aim of the following page.

Icon.Stop.80x80.png Stop and Read Carefully

This icon appears to prompt users to read carefully as the information is pertinent to navigation, coursework completion, video viewing, etc.

Icon.Explore.80x80.png Exploring for Depth

This icon will direct participants to either explore by viewing a presentation, image, or some other digital media that will require participants to complete an action.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due