This Canvas course is directed to those interested in learning about the English Language Arts Standard Course of Study. This course provides an overview as well as an in-depth, close reading of the standards. The range of tasks offers users an opportunity to determine their own specific needs and follow a path that is suited to their understanding and specific direction. This is the first course in the ELA Canvas Course Trilogy. To learn how to develop aligned lessons, take our Designing Aligned Instruction course. To learn more about valuable coaching, reflecting, and supporting tools for aligned ELA instruction, take our ELA Instructional Practices course.
We support you in your quest for clarification and deeper understanding of the ELA Standard Course of Study! NCDPI does not offer literacy credits and/or CEUs for this self-study work, please contact your local district regarding any CEU credits. As proof of completion, present your completed Course Log to your LEA.
The entire Canvas course takes approximately 8 hours to complete should the participant complete all the activities and tasks noted in the Course Log. Within each lesson, participants may engage in activities, read informative slides, review resources, and view videos. Each module culminates with a reflection on learning objectives to provide users with an expectation or framework of understanding. Should the participant complete all the items in the Course Log, it is equivalent to approximately 8 contact hours or .8 CEUs. Keep in mind, course completion requirements and the number of contact hours awarded are LEA decisions. Though this could certainly be used by individuals, we strongly encourage users to use this within a PLC (Professional Learning Community) as discussion and interaction would certainly enrich the experience.
*Note: This course focuses on the NC Standard Course of Study for General Ed. To view the NC Extended Content Standards Links to an external site. and EC supports, visit the NCDPI Exceptional Children's website Links to an external site..
Syllabus | Proof of Completion | Course Log Links to an external site. | Virtual Implementation Kit
See the Syllabus (always linked from the menu at left) for more information, including detailed learning objectives.
Course Learning Objectives:
Participants will describe the framework and organization of the ELA Standard Course of Study.
Participants will compare and contrast the new format of the adopted standards to the current SCOS.
Participants will evaluate and reflect on the impact of the major and grade-level revisions to the adopted standards.
Participants will identify and reflect on how to use the ELA Standard Course of Study resources in their classrooms.
Please direct content questions to: the NCDPI ELA Team
*Note: This Canvas course is public. Users do not need a Canvas account to access it. A small window may appear at the top of the screen prompting users to sign-in (see image below). If this pop-up appears, users should click "X" to close the window and proceed with the course. |
Click on the Learning Index buttons to access any of the following course content.