Course Syllabus

info icon About this Course:

Intended Audience
This course is intended for prospective sponsors (SFAs and NonSFAs) intending to participate in Summer Nutrition Programs.

Purpose and Course Learning Objectives

  1. The primary objective of RACE online is to meet USDA requirements for providing continuing education for all new and returning Summer Nutrition Program sponsors on an annual basis.
  2. The purpose of RACE online is to prepare new and returning sponsors to successfully implement and operate summer nutrition programs.

**At least two administrative personnel are required to complete all required modules and pass with at least 80% proficiency**

Course Structure
This course is entirely self-paced.  There are no face-to-face or group learning activities.  

Most modules includes three components:

  • OVERVIEW/GOALS. This page provides an overview of the subject, the learning objectives and a list of links to printable resources that are referenced in the presentation.  Participants may download and print the resources as a point of reference during the presentation, but it is not a requirement.
  • LEARNING ACTIVITY.  Each learning activity page allows participants to review a slide presentation or video
  • LEARNING ASSESSMENT.  Each quiz has questions and/or activities.

Course participants will complete modules according to the course completion plan determined by the type of sponsor and other criteria.  Participants will view a slide presentation and possibly a video or access (outside websites) to obtain information to apply and demonstrate understanding of the content, then complete a brief graded assessment. Participants must achieve at least 80% to proceed to the next module.

Course Content
The content and learning activities of this course are comprised of Powerpoints/videos, handouts, an assessment and other files (of various formats) referenced in the Powerpoints.

Time Needed
Plan to spend an estimated 20 to 30 minutes reviewing the content in each module.

Course Credit
This entire course fulfills the requirement for Professional Standards Credit in the Administrative area (3000).

Click here to start RACE Online!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due