Visit: Sample Feedback
The CNA site visit culminates with an exit meeting where the team provides a one-page document outlining what the school does well and areas for improvement.
Feedback is documented in a bullet point list.
Examples of Summary Bullets
What The School Does Well:
- There is mutual respect among the administration, staff, parents, and students that supports a positive learning environment.
- There is a collaborative culture in the school and a clear focus on change and improvement that is generating professional dialogue about instruction.
- The school is successfully implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, and as a result, discipline issues are decreasing.
Areas For Improvement:
Improve the quality of instruction by:
- providing more opportunities for students to use technology to enrich and enhance their learning;
- providing rubrics and exemplars for assignments so students understand what is expected of them; and
- creating deeper levels of understanding and providing opportunities for real-world problem solving.
- Establish a clear and focused literacy framework that is supported by adequate resources, allows teachers to differentiate multiple reading levels, and makes connections to other content areas.
- Continue analyzing data and ensure that it is producing changes and improvements in daily instruction.
Sample Summary Document Download Sample Summary Document
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