AT Data Collection Tools
Presented here are some of the tools that can be used when looking at data collection for AT considerations.
QIAT: Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology Links to an external site. :
is a nationwide grassroots group that includes hundreds of individuals who provide input into the ongoing process of identifying, disseminating, and implementing a set of widely-applicable Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in school settings that can be used as a tool to support: School Districts, AT service providers, consumers, universities and professional developers, and policy makers.
8 areas have been identified for consideration when thinking about the development and delivery of AT. They include: Consideration of AT Needs, Assessment of AT needs, AT in the IEP, AT Implementation, Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT, AT in Transition, Administrative Support for AT, and AT Professional Development.
QIAT Matrices Summary Worksheets Download QIAT Matrices Summary Worksheets
SETT frame work or Student, Environment, Task, Tool: Links to an external site.
Student: Information related specifically to the student, including specific areas of concern, special needs, current achievement, interests, goals, etc.
Environment: Information related to anyone who is around the student or anything that is provided to the student in any given area
Task: Information specifically related to the details of the tasks that are currently required of the student or will be required in the near future
Tool: Information specifically related to the student, environment and tasks should inform the team on which tools to discuss
Part 1 The SETT Framework 2020 webinar hosted by the NCDPI EC AT Team (Click link for a new tab to open where you can view the video)
Slides for Part 1 of The SETT Framework 2020 Download Slides for Part 1 of The SETT Framework 2020
Part 2 The SETT Framework 2020 webinar hosted by the NCDPI EC AT Team (Click link for a new tab to open where you can view the video)
Slides for part 2 of The SETT Framework 2020 Download Slides for part 2 of The SETT Framework 2020
An overview of the SETT forms (Click link for a new tab to open where you can view the video)
An example of completed SETT forms (Click link for a new tab to open where you can view the video)
The following link will take you to the Joy Zabala links and resources page where you can find the SETT Scaffold documents as well as more information about the SETT Framework: SETT Framework Documents Links to an external site.:
It is with consent from Dr. Joy Zabala we are pleased to share this information with Educators in the state of North Carolina.
WATI Links to an external site. : Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative-
WATI Assistive Technology Decision Making Guide Download WATI Assistive Technology Decision Making Guide (WATI Development Team. (2017). Assistive Technology Consideration and Assessment Forms)
WATI Assistive Technology Continuums Download WATI Assistive Technology Continuums (WATI Development Team. (2017). Assistive Technology Consideration and Assessment Forms)
AEM Navigator Links to an external site. :
- Determination of need
- Selection of specialized format(s)
- Acquisition of materials
- Determination of supports needed for effective use
The AEM Navigator facilitates decision-making by presenting a step-by-step series of guiding questions and providing options from which to choose. If more information is needed to make a decision, a robust set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) is provided with each decision point. Additionally, for further study, AEM Center resources and an extensive list of references and resources specifically related to each decision point are made available.